DVSA Text Message Trial

DVSA Text Message Trial

Trialling the use of text messages

Earlier this month, we started sending out text messages to learner drivers, either encouraging them or asking them to consider whether they feel confident and ready to take their test. These will continue until February 2019.

The texts are designed to inform, rather than replace, the discussions ADIs have with their pupils before their test to check you’re both happy with their progress and ability. We think it’s really important those discussions continue throughout the pupil’s learning process. 

How the text messages are sent

Anyone over the age of 17 in Great Britain is automatically opted-in to be part of research to improve road safety when they book their driving test. The messages are sent between 14 and 1 days before their test.

We know some of you are receiving these messages instead of your pupils, as your phone numbers are on the test applications.

Although we do have some mitigating action in place to prevent this happening, if you receive one, we’d encourage you to share the message with your pupil as part of your normal discussions about their progress and readiness for their test.

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